суббота, 14 ноября 2015 г.

      8 reasons to use fiberglass for walls

Today there are many different materials that are perfectly suited for wall decoration. This man always tries to give priority to high-quality products that can boast of its ecological compatibility and durability. In this respect, one of the best finishing materials are fiberglass. This article will try to list all the benefits of their use in a modern interior.

Reason №1. Environmentally friendly

Glass fiber made entirely of environmentally friendly natural materials. Achieved product of a glass fiber, based on the dolomite, limestone and quartz sand. During manufacture the glass acquires flexibility and increased durability. The absence of toxic elements in the glass fiber can be used even for finishing such an important room as a children's room.

Reason №2. Fire safety

In modern conditions, when safety is above all one of the main criteria when choosing a finishing material is resistant to open flames. In this regard, to steklooboyami no complaints - they do not burn, and upon exposure to elevated temperatures, do not emit any harmful substances.

Reason №3. Hypoallergenic and hygienic

This is a very important advantages fiberglass, because they do not accumulate static electricity. And most importantly, they do not "stick" the dust.

Reason №4. The air permeability and moisture

Glass wall in an interior bathroom

Glass wall can "breathe", which allows their use in high humidity areas. Few materials can boast of such an advantage. Excellent breathability reduces the likelihood of mold and mildew on the walls to a minimum, and the humidity is a guarantee that the wallpaper will not flake and peel off under the influence of moisture.

Reason №5. The ability to realize any fantasy

Glass fiber - great finish for painting. These products may be coated with any kind of paint - latex, acrylic or latex. With fiberglass, you can "play" with the texture of the walls, change the pattern and color. To make the interior depth, you can use matte paint. To emphasize the texture of glossy paint will help.

Finishing material can be painted in a variety of colors, and even apply a stencil pattern. If you want to keep the tissue structure, it is sufficient to treat the fiberglass special transparent varnish.

Reason №6. Strength

Of the material is very durable and resistant to various cleaning agents. This means that the glass fiber can be cleaned if necessary. But this feature only applies to high-quality materials, so saving is not recommended. It is recommended to buy only proven fiberglass manufacturers.

Reason №7. It can be applied to various surfaces

The advantages include ease of fiberglass gluing. They can be used for decorating domestic and industrial premises. In addition, the material can be repeatedly applied layers of paint (25-30 times). If necessary, you can hang steklooboyami any furniture. This bag of tricks is very useful when you want to hide unsightly wardrobe in a nice interior.

Reason №8. Easy pasting wall

Glass fiber is very easy to glue on the ceilings, doors, and, of course, walls. However, no intricate requirements for the application does not exist. It is enough to cover the wall of a colorless primer, and only to smear the walls, which must be clean and smooth.


Thus, glass - this is an excellent choice for demanding people, who know the value of quality products for interior decoration.

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