вторник, 29 сентября 2015 г.

Align the walls with the help of dry mixes

Smooth walls, floor and ceiling are the foundation of your high-quality repair and design. After all, even the most expensive decoration materials, furniture and accessories will not be able to hide uneven walls, which occupy the largest part of the premises and are always in sight. And no matter what you intend to decorate the walls - be it wallpaper, paint, tile, panel - remember that any finish looks good and long retains its appearance only on a solid, reliable and high quality basis.

There are two ways alignment surfaces (depending on the materials used) of crude (using mixtures of building) and dry (assembling different structures). Each of these methods has its own characteristics. Typically, the alignment with the help of building mixes (plaster) used in drops of 30-50 mm. For walls with a greater curvature is better to give preference to the installation frame with its subsequent plasterboard paneling. Plasterboard also allows you to create a variety of niches, various partitions, arches, but the area of ​​the premises in its use is declining. In addition, the cost of one square meter of leveling plasterboard (materials + work) is a half to two times more than the alignment of the plaster mixture.

Alignment plaster walls with a more traditional way. By type of binder such mixtures are divided into:
- Cement;
- Gypsum.

Currently most used plasters based on gypsum. They dry quickly, allowing for faster repairs, it is better grasped the base than on the basis of the cement mixture. In addition, the plaster mixture to create a better climate - they have low thermal conductivity, better acoustic properties, regulate humidity, more technological.

Wall irregularities up to 5 mm can be removed using putty to eliminate most of curvature initially used plaster, and only then puttied wall. If the value of the curvature is greater than the permissible thickness of a layer of plaster applied over once (30 mm), the wall plastering have several layers.
Technology application

Surface preparation:
- Disconnect the power supply in the room;
- Clean the walls of the old coating (paint, wallpaper, loose plaster);
- Make a primer base (to prevent the separation of materials and improve vlagoottalkivaemosti).

Preparing the mix (plaster, putty):
- Pour the mixture into a container of clean water and mix;
- Clearly follow the manufacturer's instructions and observe the consistency of the solution, if the solution is too thin, it will crawl up the wall, and if too thick, then it will fall dry lumps.

- After applying the solution must be allowed to dry out because the remaining moisture in the wall may in the future turn into a fungus on the wallpaper;
- If the application of several layers, then:
- The previous coat must be completely dry;
- Each layer is dried sand;
- If necessary, before applying the next layer the surface is moistened.

Application of fillings:
- The surface before applying the finish fillings must be primed;
- Apply a thin layer of putty, using a spatula;
- After applying the solution let it dry.

Final cleaning of the surface:
- After the final drying putty (approximately 24 hours) and prime oshkurte walls indoors.

Now you can start decorating!

суббота, 26 сентября 2015 г.

Children's room

As ceiling wallpaper paste over.

OboiOkleivanie ceiling wallpaper favorably with many other kinds of decoration - it is not only beautiful and unusual, but is best suited for rooms with high humidity.

Applicable for pasting wallpaper ceiling surfaces should differ substantially moisture resistance and durability. It is best to give predpochteliya vinyl or Non-woven wallpaper. When choosing colors guided by the size of the room: bright colors visually enhance the surrounding space, and the dark - reduce. Having defined the type of wallpaper and a view, pick them glue. An excellent option would be universal wallpaper paste, suitable for any coating or vinyl popular option.


For work you need the following tools:
  • Spatula;
  • Roulette;
  • Pencil;
  • Wallpaper knife;
  • Brush for smoothing bubbles;
  • Rollers on a long handle and a brush;
  • Two tables, rung ladder (eg ladder Krause);
  • Wide plank;
  • Containers for glue and water;
  • Technology pasting

Before starting work, you need to prepare the ceiling. Oslo plaster must be removed, cracks and potholes gloss over putty. The ceiling should be smooth and clean, free of old paint, oil stains and irregularities.

Further, the surface area of ​​the vote to choose the required number of rolls of wallpaper.
When you have finished all preparations, start pasting:

First you need to build a platform. Slide together tables or stable place between wide boards.
Dilute the glue in the tank with water and stir until smooth. It is important such nuance as it is the density, or the wallpaper under the weight of their body weight may peel off.
Make a pencil markings on the ceiling, corresponding to the width and length of the roll - away from the window to the opposite wall.
With the roller apply glue to the ceiling abundant layer.
Sticking wallpaper
Measure the required length of tape and cut a sheet of wallpaper knife. Remember puffing wall at 10-15 cm - after drying wallpaper can catch a bit of 0.5-1% of the length.
If you choose a paper or vinyl wallpaper, they need to lubricate the glue. Fleece same do not need it.
In the next step, start pasting. Align the end of the cloth wallpaper with markings on the ceiling and press firmly.
Then, take the roller on a long handle and a roll of wallpaper surface, getting rid of air bubbles and folds.
Each subsequent sheet butt stick exactly to the previous, without overlaps.
After completion of all the major works, scissors or a cutter, cut the protruding edges.

четверг, 24 сентября 2015 г.

10 rules for creating ideal kitchen !!!

The kitchen in our lives plays an important role. This space for the culinary and dining room, and family gathering place. That is why a kitchen design should be taken with great care, love and fantasy.

1. Regulation of the triangle.
The work triangle - the space between the stove, refrigerator and sink. For most convenient operation the kitchen, firstly, on the way there should be no obstructions, and secondly, the amount of the triangle sides must be at least 3 meters, but not more than 7.5. So you can turn around and do not get tired from running around the kitchen.

2. reasonable costs of space.
Built-in appliances is fairly easy to solve the problem with a lack of space, but it is not everyone can afford. When planning the kitchen in advance think over what and where you post. This greatly saves your budget and keep your nerves. Do not neglect the space under the ceiling: one long you can hang a locker, a little higher than the others, or the usual over the refrigerator - it is possible to store seasonal products or seldom-used appliances.

3. countertops does not happen much.
Do not neglect tops, work area, you will need anyway. If the space in the kitchen sorely lacking, you will gain a bar, or even converted windowsill.

4. Let there be light!
In the kitchen, you are working with sharp objects, small cereals, so lighting should be bright. Well, if the work area is a separate light source.

5. "apron" of tiles or glass.
Do not give up on the apron of the work area and a stove. If good old tile does not fit the style of your kitchen, then a good option would be glass, clear or patterned.

6. Good ventilation - a pledge of fresh air.
Ventilation is particularly important for food, so make sure that the ventilation window does not close cupboards. And, of course, do not forget about the hood.

7. Kitchen island - and to see whether it is necessary?
When choosing a place for an additional table, you have to be very careful: first, it should be the size of at least 120x60 cm, and secondly, to have free approaches and not interfere with the traffic in the triangle. If you have enough small kitchen, we recommend that you refrain from acquiring a kitchen island.

8. Affordable trash
A small but very important detail. Trash is best positioned close to the work area, and it must be easily accessible.

9. Fashion - not the main criterion for the kitchen.
Do not chase the latest fashion innovations in design and technology. Fashion is very fickle! When choosing a design is always guided to your taste, and do not forget that the classics never go out of fashion.

10. Some questions are best left to professionals.
If you are not confident in their abilities in the technical aspects of designing a kitchen, it is best left to professionals. They will help with wiring, water, gas, the correct connection of home appliances. Security - it is not something which is worth saving!

вторник, 22 сентября 2015 г.

       How to prepare for painting drywall

Drywall is the most practical and inexpensive decoration materials. With the flat sheets can be aligned gypsum walls to make decorative items. Installing drywall is easy to perform at home, which explains its ever-growing popularity. Smooth surface of walls and ceilings covered with panels of plasterboard is ideal for painting. This requires a number of simple to perform preparatory work. It must be remembered that the quality of the painting will directly depend on how you react to the preparation of the base.

You will need
- Brush;
- Roller;
- Plaster;
- Acrylic primer;
- Spatulas;
- Feed-serpyanka;
- sandpaper.

1. The first step is to apply drywall acrylic primer. It is applied by brush or roller. Follow primer evenly, do not apply to brush too much liquid. For the next step required to wait for the complete drying of the surface.
2. Now proshpaklyuyte drywall joints. This is a necessary procedure. Spackling carried out in several stages: first, apply a layer of putty, using a tape-serpyanku, after it has dried, apply the next layer. The procedure is conveniently carried out with a metal spatula. Desirably spatulas have different sizes.
3. Once the joints are completely dry, keep plastering work, leveling solution all the bumps and place fastening screws sheets. If necessary, grinding the walls with sandpaper or a special grinding tape. Start the procedure with a larger pelt, gradually moving into smaller abrasive. You should not get carried away too grouting, it is important not to damage the cover sheets of drywall. The end result, you should get a perfectly flat surface.
4. Next you need to re-treat the surface of the drywall primer. Moreover, the processing should be carried out in two layers. The surface of the paper layer should be well impregnated primer. This step should be done very carefully to paint well lay on the surface. Ceilings should be primed against the light. After complete drying of the coating can be applied paint.

Helpful advice
Do not use oil-based paint on. It is advisable to use water-based matt paint, which is perfectly tinted and visually increases the area of ​​the room.

понедельник, 21 сентября 2015 г.

Facing the steps of the staircase: the choice of a suitable material

The staircase is not the only method by which people can move between floors, but the addition of a very original design of the room. That is why its level should be not only practical, but also have a sufficiently attractive appearance, so no quality staircases lining the steps is necessary.

Facing the stairs, and steps can be made of various materials.
The most popular of them are:
Ceramic tile.
Natural wood and other materials.

Note. Large assortment of building materials, which can be used for this purpose, allows the owner to choose the best room option.

Facing steps tree

Wood is a very commonly used building material, which has many advantages.
Among them:
Long service life.
Save money on the thickness of the steps.
Easy tiling.

How are the works:
Facing the stairs tree done in several stages. Initially, you need to cover the stage of concrete water-resistant plywood with a thickness of 10-12 millimeters.
Next fastened to plywood on concrete. To perform this task using dowels. On top of the panel are put ready-made wooden stairs, which are fastened with screws or glue.

There are two ways of facing the tree steps:
The first of them concerns a method by which only covers the stage and riser.
And second, when the entire structure is covered completely.

Note. Although the method you select, your home will look elegant, aristocratic and noble.

Read more about the materials:
The tree has a fairly low weight, which provides additional convenience during the tiling;
This material is sufficiently elastic, allowing it to return to its original position after any loads.
Wood is flexible and at the same time flexible material, which provides convenience to the user during the stages of repair it.
This material has a very poor thermal conductivity, which does not allow it to influence the structure of the cold concrete.
One disadvantage of this material is its susceptibility to degradation various insects.

Facing the granite steps

Facing stair treads using porcelain is a great solution. To use this building material can be in homes, as well as office and administrative buildings.
Porcelain has many advantages:
Environmental security.
High density.

Stages of lining:
For the work is necessary to work on the wall was originally a high level of accuracy to measure the rough steps and choose the optimal size porcelain.

Council. If during these works there is a need to cut porcelain elements, then it is best to use vodorezny machine.

This device prevents cracks and chipping during cutting. Next, you need to clean up the rough steps and implement them cover acrylic primer.
After that, the cladding treads and then riser. Produce must be facing work from the top down.
Smooth granite used for lining the steps in the middle of the premises.

Council. Facing the steps of outdoor stairs is best to make porcelain stoneware, which has a rim loosening. This will ensure a high level of safety while driving.

Read more about the materials:
Porcelain is characterized by a high degree of wear resistance, which ensures a sufficiently long period of operation.
This finishing material is characterized by resistance to abrasion, which allows him to have the best look long enough.
Material is frost-proof, allowing to use it for finishing the stairs, in the middle, and outside the room.
Relatively lightweight porcelain provides sheltered his mount.
This material is characterized by low water absorption, which saves on the tile breaks during frosts.
Production of porcelain is made from high quality raw material, which ensures a high level of resistance to various mechanical effects of a negative character.
Facing ceramic tile steps

Ceramic tile has been and remains a very popular building material at all times thanks to the excellent technical characteristics.
Among them:
Long-term operation.
Water resistant.
Attractive appearance.

Implementation of works:
Facing the stairs with ceramic tiles can be made, both inside and outside the premises.
Indoors, you can coat the stage smooth floors and the outside - it is better to use a textured tile that will protect people from falling and injury.

Note. For the product facing steps of the staircase to prepare the surface is not necessary. Initially, it is necessary to glue ceramic tiles to the riser so that its edges are sticking.
Next is laying tiles on vertical surfaces. The edges of the horizontal and vertical tiles necessarily need to be combined.
To give an elegant appearance will be overwritten grout joints are the most suitable color.

Read more about the materials:
Due to the product of the firing of the lining material provides a smooth surface.
Made of ceramic tile of appropriate technology, which gives it a long enough period of operation.
The high level of mechanical strength and resistance to chemicals is ensured by the low cost of this material.
These units have different sizes, so you can choose the best option repairman for tiling.
Persistence and color purity ceramic tiles you can use it for quite a long time.
A wide range of ceramic tiles allows the user to choose the best option for lining stairs.

Facing the stairs is rather simple kind of repairs that can be performed by hand. It also provides the ability to trust this process

Welding sheet polypropylene hairdryer

Welding sheets of polypropylene a hairdryer - it is the connection edges of two sheets of polypropylene by means of building the dryer (air gun). The machine heats the abutting edges of the sheet and extending therebetween polypropylene wire to 270˚S, fusing all three elements together.
Stages of welding sheets of polypropylene a hairdryer:
The choice of material. Need a hair dryer building sufficient capacity, thin plastic sheets and a polypropylene rod (wire). Bars and sheets should be made of the same class, otherwise they will melt under the influence of the hot air evenly.
Docking. The sheets are placed on any flat surface, and their edges are processed with sandpaper. The process itself is similar to fusion welding with fusible electrodes. That is, the hair dryer welder moves along the weld joint filling consumable polypropylene of which the welding rod. Within 5-7 minutes boiled leaves can be used for other purposes.

Important! Using a hair dryer for welding, keep in mind that during slow fusion zone polymer sheet immediately adjacent to the weld area may become hot. This will lead to deformation of the joint. Therefore, when using a hair dryer welding must be carried out promptly.
Advantages and disadvantages of welding hairdryer

Created by this method has the smallest seam strength than the joints by using other welding processes. Maximum strength ratio at such alloying reaches values ​​greater than 0.7. Therefore, this method is usually fastened parts are not very thick edges - no more than 6 mm. However, the rapid melting of small fine details of this method - the best solution.

Welding polypropylene sheet extruder

Welding polypropylene sheet extruder - a reliable way to connect polypropylene sheet used for manufacturing various containers, galvanic baths, air, septic tanks and other three-dimensional structures.
Welding sheet extruder:
Materials and Instruments. To work need: sheets of polypropylene, polypropylene rod or electrode and the hand extruder. Bars and sheets must be fabricated from a polymer of the same class, otherwise they will melt unevenly.
Docking. Sheets ends close to each other lie on any flat surface. Between them, in the seam area, is clamped polypropylene rod. Further, using the extruder and edge bars are heated and fused.

The extruder is operated at a temperature 270˚S. Welding must be done quickly. Otherwise, the area adjacent to the seam deformed polypropylene sheets, seam will fragile.
Advantages and disadvantages of welding extruder

Made using extrusion seam stronger than the connections made by means of welding dryer. His strength ratio to 0.8. With the help of an extruder can be quickly and securely connect directly to the workplace polypropylene sheets with thickness up to 16 mm.

Bonding of polypropylene - the glue polypropylene

Polypropylene is a plastic trudnoskleivaemym view - glue it is extremely difficult without welding. In addition, this process requires a mandatory preparation.

You can take advantage of special adhesives that quickly and completely glued quality plastic. The main thing in this matter - to choose a good solution.
Types of adhesive polypropylene

Substances gluing plastic, divided into several categories:
Thermoset. They are the basis of polyester, epoxy and other thermosetting resins.
Thermoplastic. This category can be schematically divided into two areas: compositions based on thermoplastic resins and rubber-based.

Thermoplastic adhesive compositions dissolved and softened by temperature. In contrast, thermoset, they do not alter its chemical structure by gluing, which is of advantage.

Also, adhesives are divided by the number of components: one - and two-component. The first sold one copy in the already finished form and in a single package. The latter have two packaging components. Before you start, you need to mix the two components, clearly adhering to the manufacturer's instructions.

An example of a one-component adhesive can serve as instant «Cosmoplast 500", designed for bonding profiles in window manufacturing. An example of a two-component solution - epoxy adhesive for plastic. Its components are epoxy resin and hardener.

Two-component adhesives have an advantage - a longer shelf life than a single component. The reason is that as long as their constituents do not come into contact, there will be no cure.
The process of preparing bonding

Before gluing parts polypropylene need training. It is necessary to check the entire assembly and general construction adhesive without having to put a mark in places where it is needed.

Sample preparation bonding polypropylene pipes:
We must make sure that the temperature of the ambient air, which will host the bonding varies between + 5 ° C - 35 ° C.
It is important to check the availability of tools. Glue gun, pipe cutters and brush with natural bristles should be at hand.
Scissors (pipe cutters) must be cut into segments of a certain length of the pipe.
Further, it is desirable to clean up the edges of cuts using sandpaper. It is necessary to remove any burrs that may prevent sealing compound.
Now you need to assemble the entire structure, to try and make a mark marker in place of the future adhesion, as well as the level of depth of the entrance of the pipe fittings. Then you can make out the design.
Before applying the glue necessary to mix well. Flagged areas should be degreased and cleaned using cleaning agents.

Important Tips

To carry out the installation is better to choose a proven brand, rather than start from the cost of the adhesive. Expensive solutions are often inferior in quality solution at an average price.

пятница, 18 сентября 2015 г.


Very often, when we do not have enough space for their things, we complain about the small size of the apartment. However, the problem is not in this - just use the space wisely. We present you some useful tips on how to fit more items on a smaller area.

1. The space in the kitchen, you can save significantly by hanging utensils directly over the cutting table. So, besides the fact that you can save space, you can also significantly speed up the cooking process.

2. Use the basket - these beautiful things not only add comfort to your interior, but also help you to save space.

3. In a large closet, as a rule, only one beam for clothes - it's pretty uncomfortable, because it can not hang so many things. In this case, we advise you to buy a second, an additional bar, sharing with the help of a wardrobe in half: Jeans, you can hang it on the bottom, and T-shirts, shirts and sweaters will be placed at the top

4. Do not forget about the door. Attach the hooks him or organizers, you get extra storage space is not only cosmetics, but also children's clothing and toys.

четверг, 17 сентября 2015 г.

     The most common types of insulation:

From building your own home, inevitably have to think about choosing the most appropriate and practical, but not very expensive material for insulation. Try to describe the most common types currently insulation for walls, consider the pros and cons to determine the best from the range that is presented in today's construction market

Mineral wool

Known since the Soviet era, this popular material has excellent thermal insulation properties and is relatively cheap. Note Mineral wool does not tolerate moisture, absorbs moisture and thus loses its positive properties. To protect the material from water, there is a need for additional waterproofing layer which leads to greater costs and more expensive project. Another no less important disadvantage of this heater is its low environmental friendliness. After all the components included in the mineral wool is quite toxic.


This insulation is also widespread, as well as mineral wool, its main advantage is the ease and excellent thermal insulation. The disadvantages of foam can be attributed to brittle mechanical influences, and are not resistant to sunlight. In addition, this material, as well as mineral wool absorbs moisture, and therefore also require additional waterproofing layer device. On top of this insulation is combustible, because what is not recommended for thermal insulation of wooden buildings.

Extruded styrofoam

In the manufacture of insulation used the same raw materials as for the foam, but using other technologies. With the latest technology it has increased performance, extruded polystyrene humidity resistant. Due to this, there is no need in the waterproofing layer, but the material does not let couples. Extruded polystyrene foam, as foam is flammable, it requires protection from UV rays. In areas where it is used, it is necessary to organize good ventilation system.


Compared to sprochimi insulating materials, polyurethane has a weight dostoinstv- it is lightweight, very low thermal conductivity, ease of application by spraying. This insulation is completely harmless, is not afraid of moisture, is not affected by extreme temperatures, mechanical damage. It adheres well to any surface, with the installation does not require fastening. For all its advantages polyurethane foam is cheaper than mineral wool and will serve us to fifty years

пятница, 11 сентября 2015 г.

                     Paint over the stencil

Technology through a stencil painting walls known since ancient Egypt and the Mayan civilization. And today, this method of decoration does not lose its relevance, remaining at the peak of popularity. It is not surprising, because the patterning using a stencil is not a time-consuming job, and requires no special artistic skills. Our material will tell you about all the intricacies of screen painting.

Application area.
The stencil is used primarily to create a series of identical patterns or repeated ornament. This may be a "renewal" of an existing design space or one of the last stages of a full repair.

The complexity of the pattern and size - determined by your needs and taste. You can experiment and fantasize, but in the case of a lack of imagination, simply copy the desired pattern.

When choosing paint pay attention to the compatibility of the wall color and pattern of the future. If you are not a supporter of avant-garde style, try to survive the paint in one of two palettes - "warm" or "cold".

Tools and materials.

You will need:
Foam Roller
Thick paint
Sharp knife or scissors
Making a stencil
To decorate the wall patterns, you must first produce a cliche - a special plate with cut-outs, the contours of which will be applied to the outline shape of the image surface.

Decide with the pleasant design and move it on a sheet of waxed paper or thick cardboard. When reusable stencil is preferred to use a thin plastic;
Cut out the pattern with a knife or scissors;
Sharp and subtle part of the figure reinforce tape.

To create a border wall with a stencil - pre swipe chalk a horizontal line to accurately measure it with the level;
Through secure the tape on the wall stencil;
Paint roller large part of the figure, and small - with a brush. Brush it should be dipped in the ink composition, and then press on a paper towel to prevent sagging on the wall;
Carefully remove the stencil and go to the next section of the wall;
In the case of multiple layers of paint, apply subsequent layers after the first;
If the figure includes small parts, fabricate for them separate mini stencils;
Attach the tape to the surface of small stencils and continue painting.
Note that in order to avoid getting blurred picture, the wall is necessary to dry thoroughly before making further work on the decoration.

вторник, 8 сентября 2015 г.

        The most common mistakes in decorating           the interior and how to fix them.

1. Artificial flowers. Even the most elegant flower made from fabric or plastic is no substitute for live flowers bouquets -such only collect dust and birth is not the most pleasant associations. So experts suggest completely get rid of the rag or plastic flowers in the house.

2. Too many cushions. Yes, of course, they bring an atmosphere of comfort, but sometimes too much. If every time you are about to lie down or sit down, you have to remove a mountain of pillows, safely dispose of excess!

3. Solid interior. 90% of residential interiors are now done in neutral colors - beige, brown or dark green. Accessories and lighting also selected appropriate. But in order to keep pace with the times, do not be afraid of color. Bright accents will not be denied, but only in the atmosphere of the house will bring liveliness, freshness and conviviality.

4. The "Bare" window. Do not forget that the windows also require a separate decor that would fit into the overall interior and allows light to penetrate freely into the room. Therefore, the curtains should be selected with great care. "Grandmother" and chintz curtains, heavy drapes, and equally out of place in a modern home.

5. Furniture, placed along the walls. Many adhere already outdated stereotypes - all furniture should be placed along the walls, and the middle of the room should remain free. But, on the other hand, what you need is free space? Not in every room is supposed to have parties with dancing. So designers are advised to organize the space of the room balanced, and yet fill in the middle.

6. impractical upholstery on sofas and chairs. The only requirement for upholstery - practicality. They should be easily erased in case they shed food or beverages.

7. Too high hanging pictures. Paintings - an important element of the decor, and they have to stop look. So do not place them under the ceiling. Remember: the center of the composition should be at eye level.

8. Improper lighting. It is known that light "makes" the interior. So poorly or improperly lit room can not look stylish, no matter how carefully it was not furnished.

9. "floating" carpets. General rule - the carpet should be fixed legs of furniture. Crumpled rug automatically makes room grubby.

10. The diversity and too many accessories. Suffice it to emphasize one or two key elements of interior. A lot of souvenirs, statuettes, small pictures, as well as the use of diverse motifs in the decor makes the room very intricate.

11. Heterogeneous furniture. All the furniture in the room should be unity and to serve one purpose, and meet its purpose.

12. "Strange" furniture. In pursuit of originality is not necessary to forget about functionality. Furniture should not look alien in the room.

13. stylistic uniformity. Do not be afraid to combine the interior elements of several styles, of course, guided by the taste and sense of proportion.

14. "Barricades" of furniture. Make sure that the furniture will not disturb you to move freely around the house. If something gets insurmountable obstacle in your way, feel free to change the layout of the room.

15. Uncomfortable chairs at the dinner table. Sitting on hard stools, difficult to enjoy the food. Therefore, for the kitchen or dining room should be selected comfortable chairs.

16. Excessive strictness. Make the office of residential apartments is not necessary. The house should be used for real life.

17. cluttering. If you are presented with an unnecessary thing, you should not keep it at home "in reserve" - ​​better to get rid of it.

воскресенье, 6 сентября 2015 г.

                       Bathroom Design

 Personal Preferences In Bathroom Design – Nowadays, people want different things from a bathroom. While a number of bathroom design ideas can inspire functional and stylish spaces, finding ideas for a bathroom that suits an individual’s specific lifestyle is more challenging. One person may simply want update a functional bathroom with a new look. Another may want to create a luxurious home spa. When it comes to creating the perfect bathroom design, it’s all about personal preferences.

 Many people long for bathroom makeover that will help them get up in the morning and get them out the door on time.

  A bathroom design that makes the room operate more efficiently isn’t just about speed, however, but about creating an invigorating atmosphere as well. A bare-bones space that lacks any decorative style can leave spirits deflated. When designing a highly functional bathroom, the right combination of color, materials and lines will add a sense of energy to the room.

  Colors on the cool side can make the room feel more expansive. Sleek lines lend a feeling of energizing movement to the space. Chrome finishes not only add sparkle, but catch the eye, creating dynamic visual interest. Among all the bathroom design ideas for a bathroom designed for speed, however, nothing adds more energy than a fixture on the cutting edge of technology. Technology is intrinsically linked with an active, modern lifestyle. Whether it’s a shower with multi-faucets, a wall-mounted toilet or a sink faucet with auto-operation, a single high-tech amenity invigorates a bathroom’s style.

  Bathroom designed for pleasure

  For many people, an ideal bathroom is one that provides a relaxing escape from the stress of everyday life. Ensuring physical and emotional comfort is the key to creating a bathroom that helps the owner unwind at the end of a busy day. It’s as important to provide proper light, temperature and ventilation as it is to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. When a person’s idea of an indulgent spa experience is a soothing steam shower, an efficient ventilation system becomes all the more important. When the bathroom design includes a luxury bathtub, amenities like heated flooring and ambient lighting coax bathers to linger and relax.