понедельник, 21 сентября 2015 г.

Facing the steps of the staircase: the choice of a suitable material

The staircase is not the only method by which people can move between floors, but the addition of a very original design of the room. That is why its level should be not only practical, but also have a sufficiently attractive appearance, so no quality staircases lining the steps is necessary.

Facing the stairs, and steps can be made of various materials.
The most popular of them are:
Ceramic tile.
Natural wood and other materials.

Note. Large assortment of building materials, which can be used for this purpose, allows the owner to choose the best room option.

Facing steps tree

Wood is a very commonly used building material, which has many advantages.
Among them:
Long service life.
Save money on the thickness of the steps.
Easy tiling.

How are the works:
Facing the stairs tree done in several stages. Initially, you need to cover the stage of concrete water-resistant plywood with a thickness of 10-12 millimeters.
Next fastened to plywood on concrete. To perform this task using dowels. On top of the panel are put ready-made wooden stairs, which are fastened with screws or glue.

There are two ways of facing the tree steps:
The first of them concerns a method by which only covers the stage and riser.
And second, when the entire structure is covered completely.

Note. Although the method you select, your home will look elegant, aristocratic and noble.

Read more about the materials:
The tree has a fairly low weight, which provides additional convenience during the tiling;
This material is sufficiently elastic, allowing it to return to its original position after any loads.
Wood is flexible and at the same time flexible material, which provides convenience to the user during the stages of repair it.
This material has a very poor thermal conductivity, which does not allow it to influence the structure of the cold concrete.
One disadvantage of this material is its susceptibility to degradation various insects.

Facing the granite steps

Facing stair treads using porcelain is a great solution. To use this building material can be in homes, as well as office and administrative buildings.
Porcelain has many advantages:
Environmental security.
High density.

Stages of lining:
For the work is necessary to work on the wall was originally a high level of accuracy to measure the rough steps and choose the optimal size porcelain.

Council. If during these works there is a need to cut porcelain elements, then it is best to use vodorezny machine.

This device prevents cracks and chipping during cutting. Next, you need to clean up the rough steps and implement them cover acrylic primer.
After that, the cladding treads and then riser. Produce must be facing work from the top down.
Smooth granite used for lining the steps in the middle of the premises.

Council. Facing the steps of outdoor stairs is best to make porcelain stoneware, which has a rim loosening. This will ensure a high level of safety while driving.

Read more about the materials:
Porcelain is characterized by a high degree of wear resistance, which ensures a sufficiently long period of operation.
This finishing material is characterized by resistance to abrasion, which allows him to have the best look long enough.
Material is frost-proof, allowing to use it for finishing the stairs, in the middle, and outside the room.
Relatively lightweight porcelain provides sheltered his mount.
This material is characterized by low water absorption, which saves on the tile breaks during frosts.
Production of porcelain is made from high quality raw material, which ensures a high level of resistance to various mechanical effects of a negative character.
Facing ceramic tile steps

Ceramic tile has been and remains a very popular building material at all times thanks to the excellent technical characteristics.
Among them:
Long-term operation.
Water resistant.
Attractive appearance.

Implementation of works:
Facing the stairs with ceramic tiles can be made, both inside and outside the premises.
Indoors, you can coat the stage smooth floors and the outside - it is better to use a textured tile that will protect people from falling and injury.

Note. For the product facing steps of the staircase to prepare the surface is not necessary. Initially, it is necessary to glue ceramic tiles to the riser so that its edges are sticking.
Next is laying tiles on vertical surfaces. The edges of the horizontal and vertical tiles necessarily need to be combined.
To give an elegant appearance will be overwritten grout joints are the most suitable color.

Read more about the materials:
Due to the product of the firing of the lining material provides a smooth surface.
Made of ceramic tile of appropriate technology, which gives it a long enough period of operation.
The high level of mechanical strength and resistance to chemicals is ensured by the low cost of this material.
These units have different sizes, so you can choose the best option repairman for tiling.
Persistence and color purity ceramic tiles you can use it for quite a long time.
A wide range of ceramic tiles allows the user to choose the best option for lining stairs.

Facing the stairs is rather simple kind of repairs that can be performed by hand. It also provides the ability to trust this process

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