вторник, 29 сентября 2015 г.

Align the walls with the help of dry mixes

Smooth walls, floor and ceiling are the foundation of your high-quality repair and design. After all, even the most expensive decoration materials, furniture and accessories will not be able to hide uneven walls, which occupy the largest part of the premises and are always in sight. And no matter what you intend to decorate the walls - be it wallpaper, paint, tile, panel - remember that any finish looks good and long retains its appearance only on a solid, reliable and high quality basis.

There are two ways alignment surfaces (depending on the materials used) of crude (using mixtures of building) and dry (assembling different structures). Each of these methods has its own characteristics. Typically, the alignment with the help of building mixes (plaster) used in drops of 30-50 mm. For walls with a greater curvature is better to give preference to the installation frame with its subsequent plasterboard paneling. Plasterboard also allows you to create a variety of niches, various partitions, arches, but the area of ​​the premises in its use is declining. In addition, the cost of one square meter of leveling plasterboard (materials + work) is a half to two times more than the alignment of the plaster mixture.

Alignment plaster walls with a more traditional way. By type of binder such mixtures are divided into:
- Cement;
- Gypsum.

Currently most used plasters based on gypsum. They dry quickly, allowing for faster repairs, it is better grasped the base than on the basis of the cement mixture. In addition, the plaster mixture to create a better climate - they have low thermal conductivity, better acoustic properties, regulate humidity, more technological.

Wall irregularities up to 5 mm can be removed using putty to eliminate most of curvature initially used plaster, and only then puttied wall. If the value of the curvature is greater than the permissible thickness of a layer of plaster applied over once (30 mm), the wall plastering have several layers.
Technology application

Surface preparation:
- Disconnect the power supply in the room;
- Clean the walls of the old coating (paint, wallpaper, loose plaster);
- Make a primer base (to prevent the separation of materials and improve vlagoottalkivaemosti).

Preparing the mix (plaster, putty):
- Pour the mixture into a container of clean water and mix;
- Clearly follow the manufacturer's instructions and observe the consistency of the solution, if the solution is too thin, it will crawl up the wall, and if too thick, then it will fall dry lumps.

- After applying the solution must be allowed to dry out because the remaining moisture in the wall may in the future turn into a fungus on the wallpaper;
- If the application of several layers, then:
- The previous coat must be completely dry;
- Each layer is dried sand;
- If necessary, before applying the next layer the surface is moistened.

Application of fillings:
- The surface before applying the finish fillings must be primed;
- Apply a thin layer of putty, using a spatula;
- After applying the solution let it dry.

Final cleaning of the surface:
- After the final drying putty (approximately 24 hours) and prime oshkurte walls indoors.

Now you can start decorating!

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