воскресенье, 3 января 2016 г.

           Painting the ceiling of own

Preparation of the ceiling to the transformation

To start this procedure comes after the release of the room from furniture and other valuable items (lamps, lights, etc.). Then, close all doors and windows to prevent the occurrence of drafts.

The first surface of the ceiling must be cleaned of old paint - it needs to resort to using a scraper. If the ceiling is a layer of chalk, then carefully remove it (removal of chalk may seem a difficult exercise, but for the sake of quality should have the courage).

It is important to remove the old whitewash, as it applied to the paint will not last long on the surface. After a detailed cleaning of the ceiling should be sanded sandpaper to avoid unpleasant irregularities. Small cracks to be treated filler, wait until dry and sand again. After polishing the ceiling should get rid of the dust. Then comes the turn of primer: Apply several coats, waiting for drying. Remember that before painting the ceiling must be perfectly flat and dry, otherwise then have to start the job again.
Types of paints

The ceiling is ready for staining. Now we have to deal with the paint. It is best to choose a matte paint, as it is not as shiny as gloss, and very good looks. Currently popular are 3 types of paints: acrylic, silicate and silicone.

Acrylic is more suited for rooms with minimal vaporization (bedroom). If you want a reliable, high-quality, flexible coating, then feel free to choose acrylic paint. In order to achieve the depth of color can be applied several layers of paint, but some argue that the missing couple and layers.

Unlike acrylic paints silicate is not able to hide small cracks in the ceiling, but its advantage is that it is fairly vapor permeable and is suitable for rooms with high humidity such as kitchen or bathroom. Also in this paint is already added a special antiseptic, which prevents the growth of bacteria.

Silicone paint - a synthesis of the best qualities of the above colors. It has a high vapor permeability, flexibility, antiseptic. Feed, painted this paint, almost dirty. The silicone paint is ideal for mineral surfaces, and also combined with acrylic paint. The only downside of this finding is its high price.

The correct choice of paint color depends on the accuracy and elegance of the ceiling. The most successful option would be the classic white ceiling, but if you want to try something unusual, remember that too bright and dark colors quickly tire. Therefore it is better to give preference to calm tones.
Selecting roller

For quality prokraski use a suitable roller. For example, a velor roller is not combined with acrylic paint and a roller with a long nap is ideal for this dye.

It is best to choose a roller with a nap of moderate length, as the rollers with a large pile potyazhelet can vary during operation, and with a short nap can be the inexperience NOT, leave the ceiling. Good cushion should not exceed 25 cm in width.

Material cushion should be as close to natural. It is best suited for that sheepskin, but the purchase of such a significant impact on your budget, so very cheap people do not disdain to take rolls of faux fur (thus on the painted ceiling was not noticed any irregularities).

Technology painting

Paint the ceiling in several stages:

1) Prepare the paint. To do this, stir the paint in the bank the special mixer.

2) is poured into a tray of paint share.

3) Take the roll and dip it in the tub.

4) distribute the paint on the roller, giving a good soak.

5) Getting staining the ceiling.

Places that are impossible to paint roller, brush handle, pre-soaked in paint.

Start painting from the window to the center of the room. Roller does not hold directly overhead, to paint is not dripping in his face. Also, do not press strongly on the platen, and too often to carry it on the same band. Strips paint is applied parallel to each other without leaving gaps. The paint should be applied quickly and measurably. After the end of the first layer rest. Rinse and thoroughly dry the cushion. Wait until the paint has dried, and then proceed to re-paint (the second coat is applied perpendicular to the reference). For the best effect, apply 3 coats of paint.

Painting is best carried out during the daytime, since the chance of missteps good lighting is reduced to a minimum. It is advisable that you was the assistant, who was able to control neprokrasy ceiling.

Do not try to accelerate the process of drying paint, using electric appliances!

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