суббота, 3 октября 2015 г.

Kitchen without upper cabinets: design, photo ideas

Arrange at home a comfortable, beautiful and functional kitchen dream of many. Modern kitchen provides ample opportunity Furnishings. Currently gaining popularity of single-level design of the kitchen without top mounted modules - such furniture can be arranged in different ways, creating in the kitchen space a feeling of lightness and spaciousness.

Types of plan

The sale represented a significant number of options of kitchen furniture without hanging lockers or with a minimum quantity. It is worth noting that in many kitchen cabinets sets floor modules are complemented by high-wardrobes columns with the specially provided place for built-in appliances and a roomy storage unit.

Depending on the methods of placing of floor modules, there are several basic options for interior decoration kitchen without upper cabinets. These include:
linear arrangement - in this case the floor pedestals modules placed along one wall of the kitchen facilities, covering their common top. Thus it is possible to equip a comfortable working space for cooking with kitchen sink, hob and cooking surfaces for handling and cutting products. With such a high planning modules arranged diagonally, or vice versa;
Corner layout - in contrast to the linear arrangement, kitchen floor of the modules installed near the two adjacent walls, ie It occupies a corner of the room. Corner kitchen without wall cabinets is composed of floor pedestals-modules in Mr. shaped structure - with the sliding columns, usually located at some distance from the other wall;
U-shaped arrangement, in which a single-level kitchen furniture without upper cabinets takes two or three adjacent walls - this layout is suitable for rectangular and square rooms average a large area;
island location - in this case the floor pedestals modules are concentrated in the center of the kitchen in the form of "islands", united by a common table top as a work surface. This island can be used for cooking, as well as a dining area for the households. For the convenience of implementation of kitchen cabinets works Colon is nearby.

Conditions for accommodation

Embody different design ideas single-level layout is quite possible with the help of thoughtful planning of the kitchen interior. If you are interested in the possibility of arrangement of the kitchen floor modules, you must first assess the available space for such ideas, as well as to consider comfortable accommodation kitchen appliances and supplies. It is unlikely that a single-level layout of the kitchen is suitable for a small room in which the most important densely build the cabinets and lockers for various cooking needs. If the area allows, trendy kitchen design without upper cabinets to put into practice is quite real. As the second tier lockers in the interior is not available, outdoor cabinets are made sufficiently wide and bulky, so that they could comfortably accommodate all necessary. Maximum convenience and comfort can be achieved by providing additional space for cabinets, columns with built-in kitchen appliances (oven, refrigerator) and drawers for storing utensils and necessary products.

As a condition for placing the kitchen without upper cabinets can be called free space. This type of furniture is most suited for the kitchen area of ​​20 m2, as well as for the rooms, combined in a single studio with a nominal separation zones and combine the kitchen and dining room, and kitchen and living room.

A very impressive combination of looks panoramic floor to ceiling windows, spacious rooms and located in its kitchen island - with a balance of wall cabinets are not needed, as will overload the space.

In a wide room floor cabinets for storage of groceries and utensils are placed on the perimeter, positioning in the central part of the kitchen island (its built-in cabinets boxes suitable for placing the necessary hand utensils and spices). Adjust the proportions of long and narrow room You can remove the mounted kitchen cabinets - so there will be additional space and the room will seem wider.
Advantages and disadvantages of the kitchen without hanging lockers

When single-level layout of the kitchen without upper cabinets hinged work surface often takes a significant portion of the perimeter of the room. An integral part of the interior of European cuisine has long been a great location for the cooking zone in the form of the island.

The advantages of the kitchen without upper wall cabinets include:
a feeling of lightness and space - this interior solution looks unconventional, fresh and quite original. Without hanging wall cabinets, with exemption from such clutter room furniture kitchen impresses the most spacious and bright rooms;
functionality and ease of operation - single-level planning is optimally suited for the fans to cook little and often, as in this case, there is no risk to cling to during the preparation for hanging lockers. In addition, the upper modules will not interfere in the process of cooking and will not block the light, they will not need to wash off grease and dust.

The kitchen without upper cabinets provides ample opportunities for decorating - remain free wall is easy to decorate by placing them on a variety of posters, art prints and pictures in frames.

The disadvantages of a single-level specialties include the following:
for its arrangement requires a large space - the first is primarily practical, otherwise it will be clearly felt a lack of space for comfortable movement. In addition, the need to provide additional storage space - often used for this purpose cabinets, columns, buffet dish or part of the premises the next room;
with this arrangement of the interior wall of the room is largely remain free, so you need to pay special attention to their high-quality finish with a kitchen dirt resistant materials;
significant burden on his back in the process of cooking - the hostess, will likely have to bend down to the floor often pedestals;
a kitchen set sibling is likely to cost considerably more expensive compared to the suite with hanging lockers.
Kitchen furniture without upper cabinets

On sale you can find a variety of kitchen sets without hanging lockers manufactured in a variety of styles. Sometimes it is not possible to choose the right style and size of the set, in such cases, such furniture can be made to order in the workshops. If you install the full set does not allow the floor area, or the cost of the headset seems excessively high, the kitchen cabinets without attachments can be combined according to individual needs of the individual elements.

One-level kitchen set up of wide cabinets equipped with drawers. Elevations of floor modules allowed to stand in the same plane, so that their line Drawer united in a common circuit.

Furniture ergonomic shape with functional furniture allows optimal space pedestals and cabinets, allowing workers to unload the surface. For most comfortable operating, they use a variety of devices in a variety of door closers, pull-out shelves and rotating carousels that provide easy access to content stored there. Quite convenient mobile tables on wheels - from several of these modules can be single work surface, and you can use them as individual items of kitchen interior.

Despite the fact that in a kitchen provided use of external components, it is entirely permissible to combine modules and floor cupboards sufficiently high - more often they are placed at a distance from the window. Sometimes the top of the cabinet is made open or glazed and filled dishes - an element of a kitchen interior looks quite advantageous, without cluttering the space.
Interior design kitchen without upper cabinets

If you plan to install kitchen furniture without hanging lockers, it is also important to pay due attention to the decoration of the walls, the lighting equipment is necessary and selection of kitchen accessories. When single-level arrangement of furniture kitchen walls in sight, with the plane of the wall near the countertops will be in the spotlight. Protect the wall from contamination and damage during cooking easy by installing a protective screen. It can be either a low altitude high enough, decorated with various patterns and ornaments. This kitchen apron can be equipped with a variety of materials - oblitsevat ceramic tiles, stone, MDF panels or decorative glass.

At the level of the upper edge of the screen can be positioned with convenient shelves for different dishes and kitchen stuff. In addition, when placing food-tier design appropriate to use rails - placed horizontally and vertically fine tube, which are easily attached to the wall surface. On the horizontal rails can be positioned any items needed in the area of ​​access, such as potholders and kitchen tools, spices, cutting boards, spatulas, cups and dish dryers. On the vertical rails comfortably accommodate light mounted shelves, racks for glasses. These decorative elements of kitchen interior look light and almost weightless, do not overload the space and to some extent able to replace hanging kitchen cabinets for storage of kitchen stuff. In this case, all the necessary kitchenware is literally at your fingertips.

At the stage lighting-tier arrangement kitchen should pay attention to the small lights that can be attached to the surface of the walls with a flexible arm. In such a case it would be quite convenient to adjust the lighting, directing the flow of light in the right direction.

For low kitchen facilities suitable built ceiling lights. With high ceilings convenient to use pendant lamp adjustable length, which can be placed at a convenient distance from the working kitchen area.

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