суббота, 17 октября 2015 г.

Manifold for underfloor heating - advice on selection and installation

Manifold for underfloor heating, which is one of the most important components of the water floor heating circuit, is responsible for maintaining, preset thermostat, the temperature of the coolant.

Without it - it's hard to imagine the effective operation of the system, and full room heating.

Underfloor heating has a number of advantages compared with traditional radiators.

They appreciated in European countries where underfloor considered widespread, for example - in Norway in this way are heated more than half the buildings.

Unlike conventional steam heating radiators, air rises from the floor heating up, evenly distributing the heat around the room, thereby eliminating the possibility of drafts.

Thermal energy consumption, compared to conventional heat sinks - below 20 per cent, at the same temperatures.

Finally, the floor heating system does not spoil the design of their presence, because it is hidden from your eyes.

It is a network of mini-pipeline which is mounted within the space between the floor covering and the floor surface.

Pipelines filled circulating warmed coolant which, depending on the design features of the system of floor heating can be represented with a solution of ethylene glycol antifreeze, or water.
Choose collector

Before choosing a collector for water floor heating, it is necessary to coordinate it with the scheme of the system of floor heating.

This is due to two factors:
Firstly, the cost of distribution manifold floor heating;
Secondly, it depends on the security of the system.

The objective is to keep the reservoir coolant temperature within certain limits, which sets the value of the thermostat.

The heated and cooled thermal fluids are mixed together in a mixing manifold assembly - the main element of it.

Today, not only the collector for warm water floor, but mixing units to have a lot of modifications, the choice of which is dictated by the ease of installation and practicability.

Collector primarily selected for a particular system, taking into account that should be provided the necessary pressure created by the flow direction.

For the manufacture of some types of collectors used - brass, others - stainless steel. This is one of the factors influencing the formation of prices and causing the choice of one or another model.

The second important indicator that should be considered when selecting the collector is - the degree of complexity of the model.

For example, you can stop their attention on the collectors which incorporate a sensor to monitor coolant flow, drain valve and bleed screw, which increases system reliability.

To date, the collector node of thermoregulation is not considered a rarity.

It meets many different modifications having in its composition a variety of gauges, temperature sensors, components for air release, flow control and other accessories.

So, with so-called collector - flowmeter is a complete mixing unit. By using two thermometers can avoid heat losses in the system.

In each of the heating circuits is given its temperature thanks to a special device with brass comb and flowmeters.

This collector are:
thermal head, manned submersible probe;
thermostatic mixing valve;
Case for a special thermometer;
air vent.

The objective of the thermostatic valve is timely supply of hot water a certain volume.

This avoids all sorts of faults in the system. Thermostat with immersion probe tracking workflows in the system - to prevent all kinds of faults.

On the other hand, the large number of proposals for the collectors of the "warm floor" - one of the reasons that the buyer can not determine the choice.

If you choose, the most important thing to pay attention to the following points - the volume of the room where the installation of floor heating will, for what purpose and who will use the room, and of course the most important thing - the budget for the purchase.

For systems operating in the areas of small size, it will be enough plastic collector. For it is not subject to special requirements for thermoregulation.

Relatively inexpensive to buy manifold for underfloor heating, the kit which includes - and the meter is adjustable.

The latest technology is a group of floor heating mixers, along with the flowmeter having five outputs Icma.

Due to the possibility of balancing the circuit and accurate temperature-controlled, a high reliability of the system "warm floor".

Manifold for underfloor heating pump is effective in the sense that it is carried out by circulation of the coolant circuit.

Connection - Instructions chart

Connecting the collector floor heating is performed after the laying of pipes made for the coolant and manifold mounted cabinet.

Depending on the willingness of the owners of the apartment or house, collector ran into a wall cabinet or set otherwise, the main thing - that it did not create discomfort, but at the same time to it should be convenient connection pipes.

Considered below wiring diagram allows the collector to make the connection between the collector pipes and the boiler with his hands.


According to the algorithm, the installation begins with the installation of the collector shut-off valves (faucets), along with a thermometer.

It is much more convenient to buy a collector set as complete as it includes already have shut-off valves on all existing circuit outputs, including - supply and "tank line."

Because of this, not only to facilitate the installation of underfloor heating manifold, connecting pipes, coolants, but also has the ability to produce the desired shutdown circuit, without affecting the others.

Collectors of this type let manufacturers Valtec, Watts and REHAU.

For interconnecting the collectors, valves and pipes - used compressor fittings or special connectors, consisting of a brass nut, the bearing sleeve and the clamping ring.

It is not always connected elements are of the same diameter, in this case - can not do without-fitting adapter.

In its simplest form, is represented by a simple construction of sewers and stop valves.

Thus, the installation of underfloor heating manifold in a simplified form as follows:
to the manifold by a stopcock is connected the supply pipe and return stroke;
a collector connected to the pipes, heat-transfer system "warm floor".

The above diagram is a simplified version, which is used very rarely because of the fact that there is a dependence on the boiler - is to reduce the flow of coolant is immediately lowered floor heating.

Instructions for connecting

The modern circuit has a full adjustment of underfloor heating manifold.

They contain the following elements:
pumping and mixing unit (or a 3-way mixer);
air vent;
drain valve;
circulation pump, contributing to the movement of the coolant in the system

This arrangement allows the complete control of the system.
Doing their own hands

The collector floor heating with his hands - a very popular topic, which is explained by efficiency and deserved popularity of this type of outdoor heaters.

Very often artists with no experience of such work repels the complexity and difficulty of installation.

Homemade collector for underfloor heating should meet the design features underfloor heater.

The cheapest one homemade considered collector composed of check valves and having no possibility of adjustment.

Driving collector for underfloor heating with a connection of the control valve requires a greater investment, but - in every single branch of the coolant flow rate can be adjusted.

In other words, if necessary, for each room is possible to make adjustments of uniform heating.

In rare cases, it is advisable to use servos, as a complement to the valve, it is possible to automate the process.

The device is water reservoir floor as standard incorporates a supply and return manifolds.

Origin (another name - pressure) using a micrometer valve closes and opens the circuit at some point.

Control valves are adjusted return manifold pressure drop.

In practice - often fails to ensure that all circuits are equally had the same length and the load.

It is clear that due to the fact that the underfloor heating pipes are of different length - is uneven heating of the room.

There is a need for balancing the water supply control valves implemented.
Where to buy and how much?

The price collector for underfloor heating determined by the type of material used in its manufacture and the number of circuits.

The manufacturer guarantees the normal operation within two years. This is possible because high-quality materials and workmanship.

On the mechanical elements, a five-year warranty period.

Buy a collector for underfloor heating is most conveniently via express delivery, which requires an order in the online store.

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