воскресенье, 25 октября 2015 г.

Why fall off over time, tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles, most often, is one of the finishing operations decoration. Therefore it is very disappointing when after a while it starts to fall off suddenly or covered with a network of cracks. All the more so to repair the defective portion is difficult.

How can you avoid such unfortunate incidents?

To do this you need to know the reasons why tiles may fall off from the wall or floor.

Reasons peeling tile from the bottom

The reasons on which tile can "leave home place" quite a lot: do not use a suitable adhesive. It is essential that glue was properly selected in accordance with the kind of the surface on which the tile is glued, and the type of the tile. Now there are many types of glue, so you need to consider the choice of with great attention.
The type of tiles depends on the speed with which it absorbs water. This is important, since the composition of adhesives have almost any cement which hardens on contact with water. And if the tiles quickly absorbs water, the glue just does not have time to gain strength. Watch out for the lifetime of the adhesive. If the adhesive overexpose, the tiles are not glued properly. All data are adhesive on its packaging. If you are not a great expert on tiling, it is best to dilute the glue in small portions, to have time to develop it within the time specified in the instructions. The cause of poor adhesion is adhesive and the surface to which the tile is glued, various additives can be introduced into the concrete composition in order to improve its properties or to accelerate hardening.
Sometimes tiles mounted on a poorly cleaned surface - such as old paint, or even the previous layer of tiles. It would not have praised various primers that have "death" to draw the glue to the wall, not worth the risk. It is better to spend time and effort to clean the surface of the old coating. In addition, it should be clean, dust-free, with no oil and rust stains. Often the cause of chipping tiles becomes irregular surface. Some artists, in order to accelerate the work, the tiles are mounted on poorly leveled surface, adding in some places a little more glue. It is also unacceptable. Glue is applied to the surface layer of a specific thickness specified in the instructions thereto. Too thick a layer causes deterioration of adhesion between the adhesive and the wall and, respectively, and tiles. The reason for peeling tiles may be incorrect adhesive agent. Some craftsmen, rather than apply the adhesive evenly over the entire surface of the tile with a notched trowel, apply it to the middle of the tiles slide and simply press it to the wall. Or even applied glue dot. All this reduces the contact area of ​​the tiles with the adhesive and lead to the fact that over time it begins to fall off in some places. Poor The dried before installing the tile surface can cause a marriage to work. Many modern tile adhesives applied on a dry surface. Therefore, after the treatment of the walls or floor primer is necessary as it should be dry. If, for example, dividing wall is thin and poorly anchored, tile may fall off. The new houses are not recommended to glue the tiles at once, you need to wait at home shrinkage. If all the work is done, the shrinkage, when the design is shifted relative to one another, several rows of the tiles can simply "cut off".

Causes of cracking tiles
There are also several reasons for cracking the tile:

Poor tiles.
From this no one is guaranteed, because the low-quality goods can be bought on the cheap and at great expense. Therefore, purchase materials for repair only in proven stores. Poor-quality gluing tiles - not on level ground or voids. In this situation, when the surface is accidentally pressed tile may break at the point where is located under it, "hump". If emptiness beneath it, just break off a piece of tile. This often happens with the corners of the tile.

The cause of cracks in the tile may be too quick drying glue, so that it simply "torn apart" tile. It is often found in areas with under-floor heating, which is lined with tiles.
Too early inclusion of heat can ruin all the work. How to repair the surface, if the tiles fell off What if the beauty of the room broken several dumps plitochki? In this situation, you need to figure out the reason why the tiles fell off. It is also possible to tap neighboring tiles - if the sound is muffled, it is likely, under them are empty and can be expected to follow "plitkopada." In this situation it is sometimes necessary to completely remove tiles, and repeat the work, but without mistakes.

If your research was successful, and the adjacent tiles are fixed well, then you can proceed to repair necessary to scrape the old tile grout, clean tiles from residues of glue. This should be done carefully, otherwise the tiles can not "take the place". The place where the tile, remove glue residue and the entire surface incised with something sharp. The depth of the scratches should not be less than 5 mm. Apply glue to the wall and on the tile thickness of about 2 mm. Insert the tile in place, lightly press. Let the adhesive dry for days, and wipe the seams. If the tiles fell and split, it will have to go to the store to pick up the pieces and the like. It is clear that you do not want to buy a pack of glue alone plitochki.
In this situation, you can use: A mixture of cement with PVA glue. Keeps well and then remove the tile without punch fail. The mixture was enamel paint with cement. It should have the consistency of sour cream. Promazyvat need and wall tiles.

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