четверг, 29 октября 2015 г.

Tips for waterproofing bathrooms in a wooden house

To waterproofing bathroom in a wooden house was really good, and the abundance of moisture that there is going in large numbers, are not adversely affected the design of the structure, it is necessary to properly equip.

If earlier it was quite a challenge, but today, when the construction market offers a variety of materials, with proper and competent approach to business to solve this problem is quite simple.

And all the work with the appropriate tools and patience, you can make your own hands.

In a wooden house waterproofing bathroom be sure to perform both the floor and ceiling and wall.

Particular attention should be paid to waterproofing of the wall, which is in direct contact with the bath.
How is the waterproofing of the floor

Almost all the houses are made of wood, with wooden floors, respectively, and to the subfloor is also used wooden materials.

Today it is not a big problem when using high-quality waterproof materials such floor can be even is equipped with a heating system, including water.

For houses built of wood, there are several different variants of the device floor, namely: concrete screed and lags.

The first version of the specialists do not recommend, since it greatly aggravates the whole construction of the structure in general and contributes to the escape of heat from the premises.

In addition, the concrete base floor waterproofing is much more difficult to perform than on the basis of a floor made of a lag.

Therefore, a wooden house is recommended to equip the flooring on joists, and its waterproofing done with the use of special materials.

All the necessary work in this case it is possible to make the hands.

The first step is to perform a complete waterproofing the entire basement under the floor.

This can be done using a special mixture of plaster, which includes a variety of polymeric materials.

At work pay special attention to locations near the treatment of plaster walls. The same plaster can be used for surface treatment of the walls in the bathroom of a wooden house.

Furthermore, it should be using to build a small red brick special bars, after which the basic design to make installation of wood stoves.

It is mandatory to use all logs must be pre-treated with special antiseptic and allow them to dry well.

After that the installation finished lags on brick columns, in accordance with the technology.

Before you will be made laying floors themselves, necessarily need to carefully handle all the materials used special waterproofing layer.

Many experts strongly recommend the use of multiple layers of the waterproofing coating simultaneously.

For this purpose, perfect bitumen varnish, designed specifically for sex. It creates a timber for a quality protective layer and enhances its elasticity.

In addition, the floor is suitable for waterproofing paint and primer, which, among its main features, further enhances the strength of the wood material.

For effective waterproofing of the front surface of the floor using different types of parquet lacquers. Also for this purpose, you can use all kinds of stains.

In addition, the complex is permitted to use different layers of waterproofing to the floor.

Waterproofing treatment of walls

An important point in the regeneration of the bathroom in a wooden house is a waterproof wall finish.

Such waterproofing should be performed before the moment when the very walls are lined with an obverse base, for example, strips or drywall.

To do this, use a variety of materials. The base of the walls can be clad special plastic film having a high density.

To do this with the help of her stapler carefully fastened around the perimeter of the walls in the bathroom.

It is worth noting that in this case there is a need to think about the arrangement of ventilation, otherwise the bathroom in the room can observe a kind of greenhouse effect, which soon will have an impact on the surface of the walls.

As a base coat for walls in wooden houses often use the combined method, in which the walls are made in a lump of wood, and in the most humid areas are faced with tiles.

For waterproofing the walls in the bathroom of a wooden house, you can use a variety of materials.

For example, moisture resistant glass provide magnesium sheets, which are attached to the bottom wall.

Also suitable for this purpose special Akvapanel which consist of reinforced expanded polystyrene.

One of the advantages of this new material is that the panels themselves can be given absolutely any form, and besides, they are not deformed and does not overload the structure of the building.

Another effective way to perform waterproofing the walls - the use of liquid glass.

The layer of material applied to the surface of the wooden wall, giving it elasticity, and in addition having enhanced antiseptic properties.

Apply this composition on the walls of the best in several layers, particular attention is paid to the grouting.

To improve the waterproofing of the walls in the bathroom wooden structure can also use the so-called surface waterproofing.

It is a mixture of bitumen and polymer materials. They are applied over the entire base, especially carefully in the corners of walls and in the joints with floor and ceiling.

For the waterproofing of wooden walls in the bathroom are also suitable cement-polymer mastic. Their structure waterproof drive components and connecting elements that perfectly fill all the seams.

For more strength applied to the wooden wall waterproofing give glass cloth mesh, which must be placed between the base and the wall facing layer.

For better sealing joints of the walls and their joints in the area of ​​the ceiling and floor it is recommended to glue a layer of special sealing tape.

Make a waterproof bathroom wooden building with his own hands, everyone can.
Waterproofing of ceiling

The bathroom has a wooden house to improve waterproofing properties recommended ceiling.

The device is of the ceiling will help to effectively protect all hardwood floors from moisture.

In addition, under it there is a possibility to hide completely unnoticed as the ventilation system, and many other communications.

First we need to treat the base of the ceiling with special protective means and give it to dry completely.

As the face layer wooden ceiling in the bath can be recommended to use a moisture-resistant drywall or special gipsovolokno, which will provide a high waterproofing.

As the profiles under such coverage ceiling is better to use the ones that are designed for use on the street and have a protective coating against corrosion.

Assembled so you can paste over the ceiling steklooboyami that provide efficient hydraulic protection.

For effective sealing of the ceiling in the bathroom wooden building, it is better to use several layers of adequate protection.

So, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the entire surface of the ceiling and to treat it with primer.

Next, you need to use bitumen mastic, with particular attention in the processing of this material is given a waterproofing of cracks, corners and places near which hosts various communications.

After drying putty, you can proceed to the application of the next layer of waterproofing. In the case of flat sheeting mount his lap.

Only then can you start the final finishing of the ceiling in the bathroom.

All necessary work on waterproofing the ceiling can be done without too much difficulty with his own hands.
An important point during the works on waterproofing bathroom in a wooden house is the improvement of ventilation.

Only with this system all the moist air will not stay in the room and would be free to leave it.

To do this it is best to use a forced-air and exhaust mechanical ventilation, which is easy to assemble yourself.

In the area of ​​the ceiling will need to secure the two tubes, one - for the air flow, and the other - for the air outlet to the outside. On both ends of the ducts must be secured special protective funnel.

Next - made assembly and installation of the fan grilles at the entrances of the ventilation ducts.

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