четверг, 15 октября 2015 г.

Natural home with their own hands

The process of gasification of the house consists of several stages, each of which requires special attention. Collection of documents, the selection of the gas equipment, its mode of operation, communications, all these stages deserve special consideration.

The use of gas supply at home has significant advantages and is often a topical solution for owners of country houses. Quite popular in the present day option is a stand-alone gas, which involves the installation of tanks for gas storage and tabulation of certain communications. In many ways, it is convenient, but in the complexity of the process and productivity can yield to the use of a centralized gas supply through the gas mains.

If you decide to spend the gas supply at home, should be identified with the cost of this operation, I know how far gas pipeline passes, the price of pipes, lining them, the manufacturing cost of the project documentation, the future price of gas, its consumption for heating buildings. Do not be amiss to spend extra home insulation to reduce heat loss.

The gasification process as a whole is as follows: you go to your local gas suppliers (Gorgaz) and get permission to connect to the gas network, then choose the design organization, which is developing the project of gasification, and, then, in fact, carried out installation of the system in strict accordance with project. These organizations must have the appropriate certificates that allow them to conduct this activity.

Required documentation

In order to ensure gas supply to the house initially need to collect some documents. The package of documents must present a certificate confirming your ownership of a particular property (plot) and the possibility of gasification.

This package of permitting documents attached to the application of the gas supply to the house, should be present:
confirmation of the chief architectural and planning management (AAP), the possibility of gasification of your premises;
a copy of the registration certificate, which is issued by the Bureau Inventory (BTI);
detailed topographic map of the area, which reflects the scheme of gas communications in all areas gasified. Usually it is performed on a scale of 1: 500. This card is necessary to assure the territorial organization of gas supply;
written consent from the owners of the adjacent plots. This document is provided in the case of the passage of branches on the territory of the households. Also, the possibility of passing gas communications in the neighboring areas should be consistent with gas suppliers;
documentation for the installed gas equipment, both indoors and outdoors (certificates of compliance, permit the use of equipment, an agreement on the future maintenance of the equipment);
Acts survey chimneys for compliance with applicable standards.

After collecting all the permits for gas supply to the house, you need to apply to the territorial gas distribution companies, which provided the passport BTI, number identification code and the data owner. The next step is to write an application for gasification homeownership and obtaining technical conditions. According to the technical documentation, you can choose a design organization to create a gasification project.

Terms connection

In every village there are many organizations that perform design work

and having a certificate for their conduct. However, the best option is to select the organization that you recommend to the gas supply company.

After agreeing on the creation of the project documentation and the need to choose a company that will carry out the installation of gas equipment. This company is necessarily included in the register of permissive, often such work is carried out employees of the gas supply company. In the case of the work by a third party, it should hand over the work performed the employees of the gas service to check their quality to meet all established standards of safety.

Connection to the main networks

The company performs gas supply to the house holds laying gas pipe diameter specified in the project on a specified route. Initially should be agreed during the performance of work with the technical service gas

osnabzhayuschey company that performs the actual accession of your site to the main gas pipeline.

In addition, it should be noted the importance of a written agreement with the installers prior to the execution of works. In such agreement describes the duties of the parties. As a result, it is a guarantee of the quality of work done and gives you the opportunity to challenge the conformity of executed works with the requirements specified in the design documentation.

After assembling the pipeline tie-in is carried out of his trunk and a further trial run of the system. As a result of start at the conclusion regarding the presence or absence of leaks, proper assembly, the maximum load and so forth.

Adjustment of equipment

In fact, the gas supply to the house is almost complete, however, you still need to contact the company that performs maintenance of installed gas equipment. Often these services are provided by gas supplying company or the representatives of the equipment manufacturer. Produced selection of recommended parameters under which the operation of the equipment is the most effective. This procedure is carried out on all existing modes simulating operation of the equipment in the summer, so during the winter peak loads. The result is a significant savings in gas and, therefore, your money.

Paperwork and instruction

The final stage involves the creation of home gas supply relevant documents and passing instructions to the relevant authorities. After installing the communication on site and commissioning of equipment to establish an executive and technical documentation. Then, inspection is carried out of all of this work, which usually occurs within a few weeks after the completion of the installation. In its present chairman, a representative of the customer (ie, you), the contractor and the representative of the gas supply company.

As a rule, if there is any additional recommendations and requirements, you are given a receipt for payment. The original of the receipt is available in Gorgaz, and a copy remains with the company performing the installation of the equipment. After receiving the receipt, the organization sends all technical documentation in the gas distribution companies.

Further filling of the equipment is carried out by representatives of the company and the gas supply to them is a contract for the supply of gas. Typically, after filling of the provision of the technical documentation shall be held within 10-14 days.

Finally instruct all living in the house and grounds. When you tell a briefing on safety measures, the correctness of operation of gas equipment, repair options only representatives of gas supplier, and so on. As a result of the passage of instruction you leave a relevant note in the Journal of the gas supply company. You will be issued a special booklet on the passage of the instruction, which indicates completion of the gas supply to the house.

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